David Crosby concert checklist: Echoes of Dylan and the Byrds with wry comments about Joni Mitchell and Neil Young? Check.
Lewd sexual hand motions and rants against war and Donald Trump? Check.
Repeated references to age to help his audience feel relevant? Yup. “Elderly people like me have the words down here,” Crosby joked of his teleprompter. “I am a little older than dirt now.”
With hair like a melting white chocolate Mayan pyramid, it was an evening of music history, acoustic songs and grandpa humour to make you groan from Crosby, who about 95-per-cent for sure has lived a more interesting life than you and me combined.
“Canadia. Just like I pictured it,” the 75-year-old joked straight off. “I didn’t have any choice, the bus was coming here.”
Backed by his pianist-singer son James Raymond, he started with the chatty Tracks, decrying profits and politicians. “You liked that? Good. That’s what you’re going to get: weird songs in weird tunings from a weird guy.”
Along a ’70s jazz-rock vein we’d follow all night, Leeshore was next.
Crosby conversed as frequently as he sang. “I know it looks like I’m doing a concert tour, but I’m actually checking out real estate,” he said, calling Donald Trump a “freaking idiot,” frequently threatening to move to Vancouver.
The Joni Mitchell-sounding Naked in the Rain followed, Crosby alerting us, “There’s a rumour going round I took acid.
“I did. So high I was hunting geese with a rake.”
He described a horrifying vision of accelerating cascading faces, which got half the crowd half cheering uncertainly, perhaps thinking of their grandchildren floating through walls.
Then an actual Mitchell song, For Free. Of his former love he said: “It’s like falling into a cement mixer. She’s a turbulent girl. I love her. I can’t help it. She’s the best of us.”
But, he added of Canadians: “I don’t why I like you guys. You sent me her and Neil Young.”
Before the hypnotizing Triad he noted: “This song is not the reason they threw me out of the Byrds. It was because I was being an asshole.”
An almost hilariously bad one, Somebody Home, was a half-baked apology for men looking at women “like we’re a Labrador retriever and you’re a pork chop.” Its lyrics came off as written by someone amazed at the realization women have minds.
The jazzy, difficult In My Dreams led to the end of the first set’s Delta, the singer walking into the dark as his son fingered beautifully. It was actually pretty endearing how Crosby was willing to stretch past his limit — missing notes, picking up the wrong guitar, losing himself in a song — but all with a comfortable shrug ultimately cooler than playing lecherous and using the f-word.
As his voice warmed up, Rusty, the tender Carry Me and Homeward brought us back from the break.
He went on a tear about the military-industrial complex’s financial addiction to war, sang an a capella What Are Their Names and smiled: “I don’t know why I’m singing it to you guys, you haven’t started a war in a week.”
His new What Makes It So was angry and haunting, then for “the fifth time I have ever tried it in front of people,” Crosby owned Mitchell’s Amelia off her 1976 album Hejira.
Clearing his throat and coughing more as the night slowly wore on, he recalled hanging with The Beatles, turning George Harrison on to Indian music, afterwards writing Laughing (which he played) as an antidote to putting too much credence in spiritualism of any stripe.
Father and son pulled a whirling Deja Vu from the Crosby, Stills & Nash mine, then that same band’s ballad, Guinnevere, reinforcing the all-evening pyjama mellow in Edmonton’s best acoustic venue, the Winspear Centre.
The 45-year-old Cowboy Movie as encore, highest, loudest notes of the night — and while no one did acid, I swear I did spy five or six David Crosby clones leave that room, clapping and shining bright as the lights hit their skirted heads.
David Crosby
When: Monday, Sept. 12
Where: Winspear Centre